Friday, June 22, 2012

The Year to Happiness

Gretchen Ruben started her Happiness Project in January and did it over a calendar year. I'm doing mine starting in August. I just don't think I can wait another 6 months to get started. I've decided on the following areas to improve on:

AUGUST: Remember God - Trust and Thankfulness
SEPTEMBER: Go the extra mile - Work
OCTOBER: Build a bridge - Family
NOVEMBER: Lay the foundation - Health and Beauty
DECEMBER: Just go for it - Passion
JANUARY: Enjoy the moment - Mindfulness
FEBRUARY: Take the time - Friendship
MARCH: Be a child - Fun and Hobbies
APRIL: Simplify - Cleanliness
MAY: Balance the figures - Money
JUNE: It will come - Love
JULY: And altogether now - Happiness

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