Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Attain Self-Confidence: Step One

There are two main ways to achieve the feeling of self-confidence. 
1) Affirmation and positive thinking. 
2) Building competence by setting and achieving goals. This is no 5-minute fix. There is sometimes blockage that gets in the way of seeing our inner beauty and truest potential. We'll discuss those later. 

The Bad News: There is no quick fix to gaining self-confidence.
The Good News: As long as you have the real desire to do this, along with the dedication, determination, and focus to carry you through, building self-confidence is possible.  The best part about building self-confidence is that you will also build success, because your confidence will  be coming from real life achievements that you will have to remember for the rest of your life.

I have broken down the process into 10 steps and assignments. Do each of them at your own pace. 

Step One: Prepare for your journey. Get a notebook to record the process.

First assignment: Look back on your life so far and make a list of your 10 best achievements. One may be acing a test or exam, playing an important part on a team or in a play, producing good sales figures at work, making a difference in someone's life, or having an idea that ended up really helping your company - absolutely anything that you feel is a good accomplishment. This is your rough draft.

Now, turn that list into something special. Type it out and make it look official and important, or write it out on a poster and decorate it with glitter glue and stickers. Whatever you want to make it feel like it's your own and that it's important. Put it somewhere where you can look at it often and review it daily to remind yourself of the successes you've done. I put mine on my bedside table so I could look at it every morning when I woke up and every night before I went to bed.

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