I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to add anything new to my routines. That's the trick though, isn't it? Making the time to do what is important to us. Don't give up on me yet. I haven't. All is not lost. So I've been failing at the Happiness Project for the last couple months, but that is not to say that NO improvement has been made and these are all things I will continue to work on in the future.
November's Goals:
Floss every day
Start using mouth wash
Smile even when I don't feel like smiling
Cut back on coffee, red wine, and pop - Drink through straw whenever possible (HA!)
Find a fluoride night treatment
Drink water after every meal
Get a tongue scraper
Stop brushing wet hair. Get a wide toothed comb
Get a heat protecting spray
Experiment with hair styles that use no heat or products
Drink more water
Rinse with cool water
Try a new hair cut!
Find deep conditioning treatment
Invest in good quality hair brush
Allow enough time in morning for hair to dry properly
See dermatologist
Always take off make up before bed and/or working out (Carry wipes with me to bf's house)
Buy proper exfoliator and astringent
Get a pumice stone and cuticle pusher
Take off nail polish as soon as it starts to chip
Recolor tattoo
Incorporate foot exercises, massages, and stretches into daily life
Remember to wash feet in shower
Moisturize feet before bed
Cut down on sugar
Eat breakfast
Pack a healthy lunch and snacks
Limit eating out to three times a week
Go to bed at 12:30 every night
Wake up at 8:30 every day
Sleep with blinds and window open and lots of covers
Walk and bike more
Aim to hit the gym twice a week, the pool once a week, and at least one dance class.
Splurge on a few new wardrobe items
Invest in proper fitting bras
Finally get those ear piercings I've always wanted
Indulge in a massage
I was especially successful in improving my sleep patterns. I did get a new hair cut, drank more water, rinse with cooler water, cut back on coffee, started carrying around face wipes with me and washing make up off before exercising/bed more frequently, made an appointment to see a dermatologist, and ate out less. Great start, I think!
December's Goals:
Seek mentors and coaches - acting, voice, guitar, piano
Go to dance classes
Stretch every day
Find time to make crafts and watch movies
Research further education
Indulge in time to submit to agents and research auditions
Prepare for auditions as regular basis
Set aside time for hobbies
Wish me luck!
New Haircut!