Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Attain Self-Confidence: Step Two

Step Two:

Do a S.W.O.T. Analysis. 

Divide your page into 4 equal sized boxes. In each box, ask yourself the following questions. 





What do you have that other people don't have? (any advantages you have over others. Ex: skills, certifications, education, connections, etc)
What do you do better than anyone else? What do you do well in general?
What personal resources can you access? What unique resources can you draw on?
What do other people see as your strengths?
Which of your achievements are you the most proud of? 
What values do you believe in that others fail to exhibit?
Are you part of a network or group that no one else is involved in? If you are, what connections do you have because of that? What influential people do you know because of that?

Consider this from your own point of view and from the point of view of those around you. Don't be modest or shy. Be objective and don't be afraid to "float your own boat".

If you are having difficulty, start writing down some personal characteristics. Some of them will be strengths.

What tasks do you usually avoid because you don't feel confident doing them?
What do the people around you see as your weaknesses?
Are you completely confident in your education and skills training? If not, where are you weakest?
What are you negative work habits? (Ex: Are you often late or running behind? Disorganized? Do you get upset or angry easily? Are you poor at handling stressful situation, or stress in general?) 
Do you have personality traits that hold you back? (Ex: Fear of public speaking)
Again, consider this from a personal/internal perspective, as well as an external perspective. Do other people see weaknesses that you don't see? Are you constantly being outperformed in certain areas? Be honest and realistic. It's best to face this stuff as soon as possible. Spend some time thinking, praying, or meditating on your weaknesses. How do you feel about them? Are you okay with those being your weak points or do you want to do something to change them? 

What new technologies can help you? Can you get help from those around you? What about the internet? How can you use it to your advantage? What people can you create connections with that you couldn't before?
Is your world growing? Is your industry or career field? How's the current market? How can you take advantage of this?
Do you  have a network, or group, of people to help you? Do you have someone that offers you good advice?
What trends do you see happening around you and how can you use them to help you?
What trends do you see in your world? How can you take advantage of them?
Are any of the people around you failing to do something important? Can you take advantage of their mistakes and step up to the job?
Is there a position or need open that you could fill?
Do you constantly hear complaints about the same things over and over? Could you fix them? Could you offer a solution?
Look for opportunities:
- Networks, classes, conferences, groups, clubs
- Taking up an offer to gain new experience or learn new skills or expand your old ones whenever you can.  

Go back and look at your strengths. Do they open any opportunities?
Now look at your weaknesses. Could you open up more opportunities by eliminating some of those weaknesses? 

What obstacles are you currently facing? What is preventing you from being the person you want to be or from getting what you want or where you want out of your life?
Is there anyone competing with you for what you want?
Is there something major in your life changing?
Is there someone or something threatening to replace you or something that you do? (Like a new invention taking over your job or a person trying to take your place in your circle of friends or in your family)
Could any of your weaknesses lead to threats?

Here is my Personal SWOT Analysis to use as an example:

I'm very creative, open, and friendly. People like working with me because I present lots of different ideas, but I am also open to hearing all of their ideas too. 
I am not afraid to admit when I don't understand something and I ask lots of questions to solidify what is being asked of me.
I am very dedicated and passionate and I pour myself into everything that I do. I'm always determined to make everything the best I can. I'm a really hard worker. 
I'm a fast typer and am pretty good at looking things up online quickly. 
I speak English fluently and can communicate well in French. I am certified in Levels I & II in American Sign Language.
I have my Serving It Right certification to serve alcohol and my Food Safe Level I to safely work in a restaurant-like setting.
I can sing, dance, and act and have professional training and experience in all three areas. I can play the piano a little bit and can read music well. I know my history and I can improvise, tell stories, understand film terms, stage fight with or without swords, and understand the nature of the performing arts business. One of the achievements that I am most proud of is winning the Runner-Up for Highest Achiever award in my dance company. 
I'm a fast learner. 
I graduated from high school with Honors and have an Enriched Certificate in Performing Arts and a Certificate in Playwriting from one of the best musical theater school in Canada. 
Through school and dance, I have made connections with professionals all over the world. 
I fight for what I want and believe in. 
I'm a good writer

 I avoid calling people because I don't like talking on the phone and feel embarrassed. 
 I avoid volunteering to do things and trying things first because I'm afraid of what people will think if I mess up. 
I don't always apply corrections well.
I lack confidence in my work.
I am tense and have trouble relaxing.
I am cautious and don't take enough risks.
I am forgetful.
I know I am talented, but I still often feel as if I am not good enough. I second guess my abilities at school and in my training because I feel like so many more people are more talented than I am and sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be there or if I belong there at all.  It makes me feel good to think that I got accepted into Canada's best theatre school, but when I got turned down for the second year program, it really made me second guess everything. I've been taught by the best, so if I can't make it there, sometimes I wonder if I will be able to make it at all. 
I get frustrated easily.
I can be disorganized at times.
I often procrastinate and sometimes run late or don't allow enough time.
I talk too much.
I'm afraid of failure.  

The internet and social media can be used to an advantage
I look younger than I am, which is an advantage for playing younger characters while still having the maturity of a professional adult. 
I know lots of professional actors that can give me advice and guidance to help me make it in my career field. I also have a great group of talented performer friends who are off doing professional gigs. They are available for questions and recommendations.
I have post-secondary training.
Standing up for what I believe in can attract positive attention and create communities of people who stand together for the same cause. 
I am passionate about what I do. 

 Competition is my biggest obstacle.
My biggest challenge is being confident in myself and being nervous. I worry too much and try too hard sometimes.
I'm not as strong of a singer as some and I'm not the best dancer, which lowers my confidence, and creates tension and doubt inside of my body.
Everyone I know is competing with me for jobs and such - not just as a performer, but for all the jobs.  
If I don't improve any of my weaknesses, it could cause me to get bad recommendations and reviews, which will mean trouble getting jobs.  

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